There is just about 15 hours left until 2009, and now it’s an ideal opportunity for Councillors Jon-Paul Howarth, Tony McCabe, and myself to take this opportunity to wish you all a “Happy New Year”. Hopefully, many of those pessimistic predictions will turnout to be incorrect, but unfortunately I don’t think we are in for a great 2009.
Over the last few days I have been out and about in the ward with Jon-Paul delivering Calendars to all the local residents within East Marsh, and hopefully before midday (or just after) everyone within the ward should have received a New Year’s message from your three Liberal Democrat Councillors.
On Monday when we were delivering in the multi storey flats Jon-Paul was telling me that he had grown in height by another three inches; I said: “Your joking are you sure your not standing in a grow bag”. I honestly could not believe my ears; that he had gained an extra 3 inches - that makes him 6 foot 8 eight inches, and he could potentially still grow a few more inches.
Well with “wee Davie Boylen” at 5 foot 3 and half inches in our Liberal Democrat Group, and Jon-Paul Howarth at 6 foot 8 inches - have we got the longest and shortest Councillor both in same Council – it must be a “Record Breaker”. I have just worked it out (and if Dave hasn’t shrunk since his hey day at Blundell Park); the difference between the two Councillors is a whopping 3 foot 4 and half inches – that on its own needs to be in the Guinness Book of World Records – yes, North East Lincolnshire Councillors are “record breakers”.
Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Friday, 26 December 2008
As you know it’s 26 December, Boxing Day - a day of rest for many people. But, for others we have been pounding the streets; delivering calendars to our local residents.
It’s just one of those things Liberal Democrat Councillors do each year just before the New Year. I usually, leave it until just before Christmas and start on the 23 December and aim to finish before the 3 January at the latest - weather permitting, but you can never plan for the unpredictable. However, some Councillors literally detest getting out there, and they are still often delivering the calendars in late January or early February.
Even though it’s a bit of a chore, but it’s great fun. I have often wondered how many pairs of shoes I have worn out walking around East Marsh leafleting; up and down all the streets and then we have six multi-story blocks to leaflet with just over 90 flats in each block. But, still I pride myself on being one of the fittest Councillors in the whole of the Borough.
Indeed, that’s why I have decided to give the blog a refresh today; as you can see I am now a “Community Politician”, and now I am about to email a couple of officers with a few complaints that I received while I was out and about – I just wonder if I will get an answer today?
It’s just one of those things Liberal Democrat Councillors do each year just before the New Year. I usually, leave it until just before Christmas and start on the 23 December and aim to finish before the 3 January at the latest - weather permitting, but you can never plan for the unpredictable. However, some Councillors literally detest getting out there, and they are still often delivering the calendars in late January or early February.
Even though it’s a bit of a chore, but it’s great fun. I have often wondered how many pairs of shoes I have worn out walking around East Marsh leafleting; up and down all the streets and then we have six multi-story blocks to leaflet with just over 90 flats in each block. But, still I pride myself on being one of the fittest Councillors in the whole of the Borough.
Indeed, that’s why I have decided to give the blog a refresh today; as you can see I am now a “Community Politician”, and now I am about to email a couple of officers with a few complaints that I received while I was out and about – I just wonder if I will get an answer today?
Thursday, 25 December 2008

Hopefully, the site will be soon reloaded, and normal service will soon resume ( All I can do is apologies for the inconvenience caused, and hopefully the problem will soon be resolved.
In the meantime I hope you have all had a Merry Christmas, and I Wish You All A Happy New Year.
BANKERS at four City firms have collected bonuses of more than £6.4billion this year, despite the worst financial crisis since 1929, it emerged yesterday.
While the rest of the country struggles under the ravages of the recession, London-based traders at Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch and Dresdner Kleinwort have been notified of their bumper payouts.
They come despite the banks having reported a dramatic fall in profits and the Government bail-out of the banking sector.
Goldman Sachs has taken billions of taxpayer funds, as has Morgan Stanley.
The huge payouts will hand further ammunition to those critics who blame the greed of bankers for the global economic crisis.
They believe such large bonuses have created a culture of short-termism and recklessness which fuelled the excesses in the run-up to the credit crunch and led to millions of jobs being lost.
Even those working at the four banks concerned were surprised by the size of the bonuses.
One employee said: "I wasn't expecting a bonus at all. But the injustice is that senior people are getting bonuses at a time when the bank is losing money." Goldman Sachs, which employs around 6,000 people in the UK, has admitted it has a bonus pot of £1.73billion. Morgan Stanley has a bonus pool of some £2billion, while Merrill Lynch has a pot of around £2.33billion.
At Dresdner Kleinwort, the investment banking arm of the German insurance giant Allianz, is paying out bonuses despite laying off 1,000 workers. Employees in London will be axed in the new year.
A representative for the union Unite said: "At a time when most people are worried about paying their bills or whether they'll even have a job next year, these bonuses for bankers are insensitive to say the least."
Liberal Democrat Shadow Chancellor, Vince Cable said: "Some of these guys should be thinking themselves lucky not to be behind bars, rather than awarding themselves big bonuses."
He added that as the leading banks were now effectively under written by taxpayers, "these people are simply helping themselves to what ultimately belongs to the public".
News of the vast bonuses comes after Gordon Brown pledged that banks seeking help from the Government had agreed conditions which would "bring an end to rewards for failure".
Both the Prime Minister and the Chancellor said earlier this year that exorbitant bonuses paid to bankers would be better regulated in the future.
While the rest of the country struggles under the ravages of the recession, London-based traders at Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch and Dresdner Kleinwort have been notified of their bumper payouts.
They come despite the banks having reported a dramatic fall in profits and the Government bail-out of the banking sector.
Goldman Sachs has taken billions of taxpayer funds, as has Morgan Stanley.
The huge payouts will hand further ammunition to those critics who blame the greed of bankers for the global economic crisis.
They believe such large bonuses have created a culture of short-termism and recklessness which fuelled the excesses in the run-up to the credit crunch and led to millions of jobs being lost.
Even those working at the four banks concerned were surprised by the size of the bonuses.
One employee said: "I wasn't expecting a bonus at all. But the injustice is that senior people are getting bonuses at a time when the bank is losing money." Goldman Sachs, which employs around 6,000 people in the UK, has admitted it has a bonus pot of £1.73billion. Morgan Stanley has a bonus pool of some £2billion, while Merrill Lynch has a pot of around £2.33billion.
At Dresdner Kleinwort, the investment banking arm of the German insurance giant Allianz, is paying out bonuses despite laying off 1,000 workers. Employees in London will be axed in the new year.
A representative for the union Unite said: "At a time when most people are worried about paying their bills or whether they'll even have a job next year, these bonuses for bankers are insensitive to say the least."
Liberal Democrat Shadow Chancellor, Vince Cable said: "Some of these guys should be thinking themselves lucky not to be behind bars, rather than awarding themselves big bonuses."
He added that as the leading banks were now effectively under written by taxpayers, "these people are simply helping themselves to what ultimately belongs to the public".
News of the vast bonuses comes after Gordon Brown pledged that banks seeking help from the Government had agreed conditions which would "bring an end to rewards for failure".
Both the Prime Minister and the Chancellor said earlier this year that exorbitant bonuses paid to bankers would be better regulated in the future.
Information obtained by the Liberal Democrats shows a 9% increase in the number of children living in temporary accommodation this Christmas - the research was published today.
The information released in a Parliamentary answer to the Liberal Democrats shows:
Liberal Democrat Shadow Housing Minister, Sarah Teather said: "It is a tragedy that so many families will spend this Christmas mired in uncertainty and crammed into bed and breakfasts and unsuitable housing.
"Labour came to power promising to build more social housing, but unless Gordon Brown acts quickly his legacy will be one of failure and neglect of some of the poorest children.
"With more and more families finding themselves facing the grim prospect of repossession, the Government must urgently give councils the power to borrow and build now, while land is cheap.
"Poor housing affects a child's health, education and life chances. Failure to rebuild the social housing safety-net is condemning thousands of children to years of insecurity."
On the 38% rise in London, Sarah Teather said: "The London figures are particularly shocking. I have constituents who have spent their entire lives trapped in temporary housing and I see the devastating consequences every single day.
"The Government must act now to save another generation of Londoners."
The information released in a Parliamentary answer to the Liberal Democrats shows:
- Almost 88,000 children are living in temporary housing this year
- There has been a 9% increase in the number of children living in temporary housing since 2004/2005
- London has seen a massive 38% rise over the same period
Liberal Democrat Shadow Housing Minister, Sarah Teather said: "It is a tragedy that so many families will spend this Christmas mired in uncertainty and crammed into bed and breakfasts and unsuitable housing.
"Labour came to power promising to build more social housing, but unless Gordon Brown acts quickly his legacy will be one of failure and neglect of some of the poorest children.
"With more and more families finding themselves facing the grim prospect of repossession, the Government must urgently give councils the power to borrow and build now, while land is cheap.
"Poor housing affects a child's health, education and life chances. Failure to rebuild the social housing safety-net is condemning thousands of children to years of insecurity."
On the 38% rise in London, Sarah Teather said: "The London figures are particularly shocking. I have constituents who have spent their entire lives trapped in temporary housing and I see the devastating consequences every single day.
"The Government must act now to save another generation of Londoners."
Saturday, 6 December 2008
Taking a bow - OSCA Winners
- Working with young people: James Donson (Volunteer, Youth Offending Service)
- Community safety involving young people: Sports Lincs
- Private sector: K and M News (for being a responsible retailer)
- Public sector: Mark Edwards (former trading standards officer, NELC)
- Voluntary Sector: East Marsh Action Group (EMAG)
- Community-led, community safety: RAWK Neighbourhood Watch Group
- Difficult to engage groups: Angie Taylor (Women’s Aid)
- Encouraging engagement participation award: West Marsh Community centre
- Standing up against anti-social behaviour: Catherine (surname withheld)
- Individual contribution of community safety: Stuart Catmull (former licensing officer, Humberside Police)
- Lifetime Achievement Award: Sylvia Moss
Sylvia Moss is usually the first to offer support to others, but on this special night she was centre stage – receiving a well earned lifetime achievement award. She was the unexpected guest of honour at the Outstanding Safer Communities Awards night on Monday night at the Grimsby Town Hall.
The night, popularly known as the OSCAs, focuses on community safety volunteers, agencies and organisations that normally put other people’s needs before their own.
Hosted by former Hollyoaks and Emmerdale actress Julies Peasgood, the glittering occasion honours often unsung members of the community and agencies for their work in the community safety arena across North East Lincolnshire.
East Marsh Action Group (EMAG) proved to be great ambassador for the East Marsh Ward by winning the Voluntary Sector Award, well done! The rest of the awards are listed above, and there were also a record number of nominations; unfortunately not everyone could be a winner on the night but everyone is a credit to our area, and the hundreds of other individuals who never even get recognition at an event like this.
Councillor Steve Beasant, the council’s portfolio holder for communities and neighbourhoods, said: “These community awards are very important as it is only right we celebrate the achievements of individuals or community groups who work tirelessly to improve our quality of life.”
Monday, 1 December 2008
Last Thursday when I went down to London for an LGA Safer Communities Conference, I had one of those nightmare train journeys and it just made me wonder why the devil is the boss of Network Rail paid in excess of One Million Pounds.
Yes, he receives over £1 million; indeed he receives £1,244,000 just for making sure the network is up to scratch, and then hopefully our trains should run on time and faster – we believe. Well, that’s how the systems suppose to work.
However, on Thursday I arrived in plenty of time at Grimsby Town station at 15.40 ready for the 16.03 which was suppose to be heading for Newark, but yes your right it was cancelled. At 15.50 there was a very polite announcement to say that this train had been cancelled; however there was no indication why, we just had to leave over the bridge, and catch the coach in front of the station foyer.
I naturally followed the instructions without question, I had no other choice - I was frightened in case I missed the coach. It soon became apparent that this coach was not going to get me to Newark in time for my connection to get me into London for a reasonable time; therefore I would be arriving late.
At each stop we promptly pulled alongside the railway station and when we arrived at Lincoln I was the only person left on the coach; therefore the driver asked if I would like to get on a train to resume my journey. I replied rather abruptly that I had to catch a connection for London which I was already late for, and would there be a train arriving in Lincoln to go to Newark – he enquired, and then promptly said it would be advisable for me to take the train on Platform 3. I quickly raced over the bridge for the next leg of my journey.
On arriving in Newark I looked at the message board to see what time the next train was in, it was the 18.51 to London. The board said it was due in at 18.54; then all of a sudden it said it was On Time – WOW that’s the first good bit of news of the day – the train must be motoring! I waited and waited; 18.51 went by; and 18.54 went by; and at 18.54 a message came up on the board that the train had arrived, but still no train. It eventually arrived at 18.55 and departed at 19.00 hours.
Now that’s how I really know why, Ian Coucher the boss of Network Rail is worth his weight in gold; indeed £1,244.000 a year.
Yes, he receives over £1 million; indeed he receives £1,244,000 just for making sure the network is up to scratch, and then hopefully our trains should run on time and faster – we believe. Well, that’s how the systems suppose to work.
However, on Thursday I arrived in plenty of time at Grimsby Town station at 15.40 ready for the 16.03 which was suppose to be heading for Newark, but yes your right it was cancelled. At 15.50 there was a very polite announcement to say that this train had been cancelled; however there was no indication why, we just had to leave over the bridge, and catch the coach in front of the station foyer.
I naturally followed the instructions without question, I had no other choice - I was frightened in case I missed the coach. It soon became apparent that this coach was not going to get me to Newark in time for my connection to get me into London for a reasonable time; therefore I would be arriving late.
At each stop we promptly pulled alongside the railway station and when we arrived at Lincoln I was the only person left on the coach; therefore the driver asked if I would like to get on a train to resume my journey. I replied rather abruptly that I had to catch a connection for London which I was already late for, and would there be a train arriving in Lincoln to go to Newark – he enquired, and then promptly said it would be advisable for me to take the train on Platform 3. I quickly raced over the bridge for the next leg of my journey.
On arriving in Newark I looked at the message board to see what time the next train was in, it was the 18.51 to London. The board said it was due in at 18.54; then all of a sudden it said it was On Time – WOW that’s the first good bit of news of the day – the train must be motoring! I waited and waited; 18.51 went by; and 18.54 went by; and at 18.54 a message came up on the board that the train had arrived, but still no train. It eventually arrived at 18.55 and departed at 19.00 hours.
Now that’s how I really know why, Ian Coucher the boss of Network Rail is worth his weight in gold; indeed £1,244.000 a year.
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