Earlier today I received an important email from Danny Alexander MP the Chief of Staff to Nick Clegg; which I thought that you might like to read – this email shows that the Liberal Democrats are leading the way on Westminster Reform, and they are committed to changing the status quo.
Dear Steve,
Tonight we will be screening a brand new Party Election Broadcast recorded this week in which Nick deals with these issues - you can
watch it online now. He will be making the case to: - Give people the right to sack MPs
- Stop all big party political donations
- Elect the House of Lords
- Make the voting system fair - so that governments can’t just get all that power and all that money with only a minority of you voting for them
- Put an end to self serving politics and put you back in charge
But Nick can’t do it all on his own. He needs our help. We need to demonstrate that at long last there is a groundswell for real reform of our broken system. If you want to see British politics changed in this way then you can visit our new campaign site
www.TakeBackPower.org and sign Nick’s petition. But don’t stop there. I’m sure we all know friends and family who have been appalled by the recent expenses scandal. Why not show them we are different? Email the
Best wishes,