Wednesday, 28 October 2009
There are many worthwhile organisations within the East Marsh, but Harbour Place work with some of most vulnerable individuals within our society – they are a great credit to East Marsh and the whole Borough.
Today, along with Councillor Jon-Paul Howarth we called in to see Allen Young and Dave Carlisle who work tirelessly on behalf of East Marsh and the individuals who attend the Day Centre – they both deserve a great deal of credit for their hard work.
Accepting the award on September 5, at a star studded show which was broadcast live to millions of people, Project Director, Allen Young said: “It is an absolute honour to have won this ward. Our Lottery funding has enabled us to make a real difference to the lives of the most disadvantaged people in North East Lincolnshire, and being part of this year’s Awards has enabled our centre to be recognised on the national platform.”
In his acceptance on the show Allen also thanked the people of Grimsby, Cleethorpes and across Lincolnshire for their votes and support.
The competition began early in the year when all entries/case studies were reviewed independently by the Christian Aid Foundation. The entries were then assessed by an independent judging panel, which selected 10 semi-finalists in each category.
Allen also said: “We have received tremendous support throughout all stages of the competition from our local staff and volunteers, and on behalf of everyone involved in Harbour Place Day Centre we wish to say a very big thank you”.
The operation saw trading standards officers and licensing teams from North East Lincolnshire Council team up with Humberside Police and HM Revenue & Customs in two successful raids across the borough.
The operation took place this October and is the first of many planned over the coming months. It is hoped that its success will send a clear message to those involved in the supply of counterfeit goods: those found guilty of selling fakes could be liable to an unlimited fine or up to 10 years’ imprisonment.
Fake cigarettes and alcohol often contain very low-grade materials which have a detrimental affect on one’s health. Fake cigarettes have in the past been found to contain high levels of heavy metals including cadmium, lead and arsenic, which can cause kidney and lung damage, heart problems, fertility problems, dementia and a much greater risk of cancers.
Councillor Steve Beasant, portfolio holder for community safety and public protection, said: "I hope this shows that community tip-offs will be followed through by the council and I hope it encourages others to come forward with more information. Anyone who suspects someone to be selling fake cigarettes or alcohol should report the matter to the council’s trading standards officers, and it is important to realise that all matters will be dealt with in the strictest confidence."
Cllr Steve Hocknell, portfolio holder for health, said: "We know young people can become addicted to nicotine after just two or three cigarettes, which can lead them to becoming life-long smokers of a product that could cause the death of half the people who use it.
"By removing cheap and illicit cigarettes from the marketplace we can maybe ensure that fewer young people take up this habit."
Detective Chief Inspector Bob Clark, of Humberside Police, said: "It is vital that members of public report any suspicious activity in order for us to take relevant action against those who may be committing crime or be involved in the distribution of counterfeit items.
"In this instance, a number of counterfeit cigarettes as well as alcohol was removed from our streets following information received from the public which led to the successful multi agency operation which just goes to show that we will take positive action when the information comes our way."
Steve Hazell, spokesman for HM Revenue & Customs, said: "Cigarette and alcohol smuggling is not an innocent or victimless crime but one that encourages otherwise honest people to trade with criminals. The illicit trade has a devastating impact on legitimate traders who have to compete against these cheap and unregulated goods. People need to be aware that the majority of smuggled cigarettes are usually counterfeit and because they are unregulated you have no idea what they contain. Smugglers are criminals and they will sell cigarettes and alcohol to anyone, including children."
Anybody who knows of anyone selling counterfeit tobacco or alcohol should report the matter to the HMRC Customs Hotline on 0800 59 5000 or Consumer Direct on 0845 4040506
It’s all about finding a cure for type 1 diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes is contracted early in life and is an auto-immune disease which means your body’s own immune system attacks the pancreas and destroys the insulin producing cells. It has nothing to do with lifestyle or diet unlike the more common type 2 diabetes.
As many of you know, I have had type 1 diabetes for 40 years. Because it doesn’t kill you when you contract it, many people seem to think that the discovery of insulin injections in 1922 was a cure. It isn’t. It’s a treatment for a lifelong chronic disease which reduces life expectancy (now by 12-15 years on average) and produces serious and damaging complications later in life including blindness, kidney disease and significantly increased threat of coronary heart disease. In addition living with four or more injections a day and half a dozen blood sugar tests is a challenge for any adult let alone very young children. This treatment is a life sentence as well as a life saver! It's a lifestyle I've endured personally for those 40 years.
For three years now I have been involved in raising money to research a cure, chairing the UK branch of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. I sit on the International Board also. This year JDRF intends to raise and spend over $170 million on medical research around the world to find a cure. We are also increasingly successful in persuading governments to contribute from their own medical research budgets. The financial case is unchallengeable. Finding a cure to diabetes will have a dramatic and permanent reduction for NHS budgets. Type 1 with its length of sentence and its difficult complications is an expensive disease for the NHS. We believe more cash is pent on type 1 than on the more common type 2. Now many respected and senior scientists believe a cure is a very realisable ambition.
World Diabetes Day is November 14th which this year is a Saturday and for much of the week before there will be events around the country marking the day. You may see a number of prominent public buildings (including the European Parliament, the UN building and the London Eye) highlighted with blue lights – our colour!
And this is where I want your help! On Monday November 9th with around twenty young children all with type 1 diabetes I shall be delivering a giant syringe filled with e-mail messages addressed to the Prime Minister asking the government to increase research to find a cure for type 1 diabetes. We are aiming to collect at least 10,000 messages. Will you click on this link and spend ten seconds doing your bit? I need these all soon so please respond as soon as possible!!,22S4,AW9UO,6N6X,1
Thank you very much and, if you have another 30 seconds, please consider forwarding this message to your e-mail address book so that they can contribute too. It will make a tremendous difference.
Steve Hitchins, Former Leader of Islington Council
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Commenting after the defeat of a Liberal Democrat Opposition day motion calling for Government, Parliament, and all public sector bodies to cut their carbon pollution by 10% by the end of 2010, Simon Hughes said: “This is a bad day for Parliament, Labour and the planet.
“The Government has failed to understand the level of public support for the 10:10 campaign or to get the message that people want real political action now to tackle dangerous climate change.
“Britain needs a Government which sets an example and delivers immediate and ambitious carbon reductions in the UK. Today the Government has stopped a clear message from going to the rest of the world that Britain will take action on climate change now.
“Last year Liberal Democrats successfully added an 80% emission reduction target to the Climate Change Act.
“We will continue to show political leadership in dealing with the climate crisis and we will continue to give the strongest backing to the 10:10 campaign.”
“Pocket money priced alcohol in supermarkets is a key factor in making many town centres ‘no go’ areas," said the Liberal Democrat Shadow Culture, Media and Sport Secretary, Don Foster.
Licensing statistics released today by the Government reveal:
- There are now more than 170,000 alcohol licences in England and Wales
- 14% increase in 24 hour alcohol licences since last year
- 17% increase in supermarkets with 24 hour licences and a 19% increase in pubs bars and nightclubs with 24 hour licences
- A decline in the number of pubs and bars and an increase in off-licences
- Only 150 licences were revoked last year - less than 0.1% of the total
Commenting on the figures,
Don Foster said: “While the Government fails to get to grips with the problems caused by binge drinking, the number of licensed premises is soaring.“Pocket money priced alcohol in supermarkets is a key factor in making many town centres ‘no go’ areas. It is therefore worrying to see a rise in off licences and in supermarkets licensed to sell alcohol 24 hours a day.
“Allowing round-the-clock sales of cheap alcohol will only make the situation worse.
“We urgently need to bring in a minimum price for alcohol and crack down on irresponsible retailers to tackle Britain’s binge drinking culture.”
Sandra Gidley, MP for Romsey & Southampton North, and Tom Brake, MP for Carshalton and Wallington have warned that young people will face a rise in tuition fees after the Conservatives suggested they will increase tuition fees to £7,000 if they take power at the next general election, which has to be held by next June.
That would see tuition fees for undergraduates more than double. Currently there is a cap of £3,300 in England and Wales.
Sandra Gidley says such a rise would leave Southampton's youngsters graduating with more than £30,000 worth of debt, over a third higher than current levels.
Labour also plans to allow universities to charge more than at present if re-elected, according to Peter Mandelson, leaving students and their families with the Liberal Democrats as the only party who have made a commitment to scrapping tuition fees.
Commenting yesterday in Westminster, Sandra said: "I look around Southampton, and more and more I see young people returning from university with no job and a bank balance tens of thousands of pounds in the red. What sort of future is that?
"Labour and the Tories are showing their true colours. They don't care about young people - they just want to saddle them with staggering amounts of debt.
"University education should be free and everyone who has the ability should be able to go - and not put off by the cost.
"The Tories plan is deeply irresponsible in this current recession, when money is tight and jobs are scarce. We need to be getting more young people in to university, apprenticeships and training not fewer, which is exactly what will happen with the Conservatives' outrageous plan."
Tom Brake said: after this announcement “Currently in Carshalton and Wallington just over 20% of adults have a degree, that’s nearly half the London average. I want to see more local people able to attend university if they want to, but an increase in tuition fees is likely to deter many.”
Tom continued: “I believe that University education should be free. Labour and Conservative plans will burden a generation of young people with an enormous debt. The Liberal Democrats are the only party committed to giving young people the best start by freeing them from beginning their working life thousands of pounds in debt.”
Monday, 19 October 2009

You can get involved by asking your MP to vote in favour of this motion, if enough MPs join us then we can make a huge change to Britain's future. Political activism organisation 38 Degrees is working hard to make sure that MPs sign up to the 1010 campaign and if you don't know your MP's contact details, you can quickly email them through their website - here.
We endorsed the 10:10 campaign at our recent federal conference and many Liberal Democrat run councils have shown the way. Now we are calling for the whole public sector to sign up. Once again, the Liberal Democrats are demonstrating leadership on the environment.
Commenting on Gordon Brown’s warning of climate catastrophe if there is no agreement at UN talks in Copenhagen in 50 days time, Simon Hughes said: “Gordon Brown’s warning today to the most heavily polluting nations would be more credible if Labour’s policies were consistent with the Prime Minister’s words.
“Expansion of the UK’s largest airport and continued plans for dirty coal power stations are not the policies of a government with the authority to lecture the world on averting the climate crisis.
“A vote in Parliament this Wednesday to back Liberal Democrat proposals to make 10% cuts in public sector emissions by 2010 will be a much stronger sign that Labour understands the urgency of the climate crisis.”
This is a big opportunity for Liberal Democrats and for the environment. Under this government there has been a shameful lack of action on climate change.
Liberal Democrats have the power to make a real change. Leadership now is what Britain needs. So please take a moment to email your MP and call on them to support the environment this Wednesday.
Tuesday, 13 October 2009

On June 4, this year Humberside Fire and Rescue Service wrote an article for this website, titled: ‘Where are Your Kids Tonight?’
The article had the desired outcome, because arson attacks in the Guildford Street area decreased dramatically; unfortunately there was an unfortunate incidence last Friday night which engulfed five derelict properties. The consequences could have been tragic, if anyone had been living next door.
It is important that you know where your children are playing tonight, tomorrow, and everyday. Guildford Street is not area for young people and children to be playing – it will soon be a demolition site.
Please take time to read the article below which was written by Humberside Fire Service on June 4, and look at the photograph to see the damage caused to the properties concerned.
In the past weeks (late May) there has been a massive increase in the number of fire calls to properties in and around the East Marsh area, which not only pose a danger to local residents and attending fire crews, but also to the perpetrators of this anti – social behaviour. Humberside Fire & Rescue Service are working with agencies throughout North East Lincolnshire in an effort to reduce the number of calls to arson attacks on derelict properties within East Marsh by engaging with youth groups, youth offending teams, police, Shoreline Housing and local ward councillors to reduce this anti social behaviour.
We need to do this before somebody is killed in an arson attack.
This area is without doubt one of the worse areas in the town.
The question I am asking you is:
Where are your kids tonight?
Are they out playing with matches and lighters? Having a laugh with their mates?
The question we need to ask is when does having a laugh with your mates become anti-social behaviour?
When your children arrive home in the evening do they smell of petrol, or do they have scorch marks on their clothes, do they smell of smoke? These are tell tale signs that you can spot. You can help us to bring down these figures and help make your community safer for all.
Your local fire station is on call 24 hours a day 365 days a year, they are ready to respond to any emergency call, and will arrive within minutes ready to put their lives in danger to save others. You can save a life quite easily by being aware of what your children are doing, and putting a stop to this.
You can contact us confidentially by calling or texting 07940 737141 and leaving us information relating to deliberately lit fires in your area.
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Following my fact finding visit, out on patrol with Inspector Tom Shaw and Grimsby Telegraph to the nightclubs and bars in Cleethorpes Town Centre I have now completed some research into injuries caused glass and bottle attacks and the effects are staggering.
According to the website, they claim that:
- There are 1.2 million incidents of alcohol-related violence per year.
- 40% of A&E admissions are alcohol-related.
- Rising to 70% between the hours of midnight and 5AM.
- This costs the NHS £1.7 billion per year.
Yesterday, the Grimsby Telegraph reported on my visit to the Cleethorpes to see how alcohol affects the behaviour of the local public.
According to the newspaper, Councillor Steve Beasant was pleased he discovered Amishi only served alcohol in plastic bottles and “glasses”.
He said: “I wanted to find out first-hand in my role as portfolio holder; if people are safe when they are drinking in the area.
“I was really pleased with what I saw at Amishi. In there they are thinking about things seriously with polycarbonate bottles and ‘glasses’.
“Hopefully, this will cut down on some serious injuries involving glass that we have seen in the past.
“There is an enormous cost to the NHS, as well as the police who have to take numerous witness statements and collate evidence, and don’t forget the premises themselves who can potentially loss trade if they get a bad name because of any bad publicity.
“I will be taking this to the full council to see if can be implemented in all of the bars.”
Insp Shaw, Humberside Police’s alcohol violence reduction officer would also like to see plastic bottles used in all of the bars of Cleethorpes.
“We are trying to get all of the bars to purchase these polycarbonate bottles to make it safer for the public.
“People are not tempted to use them as weapons and there will be no glass about for people who take their shoes off and cut their feet.
“I hope all of the bars take on polycarbonate bottles and ‘glasses’ as we have had, in the past, a couple of incidents where people have used glasses as weapons.”
Commenting on today’s statistics from the National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse that reveal the number of 18-24 year olds seeking help for cocaine abuse has doubled in the last year, Norman Lamb said: “It is welcome news that more and more people are getting access to treatment for their drug problems but the sharp increase in the number of young people taking cocaine is a serious cause for concern.
“This Government has been obsessed with trying to look tough on drugs while failing to deal effectively with the drug-taking culture in this country.
“We need to target resources into cracking down on dealers while making sure treatment and rehabilitation facilities are available to those who need them.
“Ministers must do a lot more to make people aware of the serious damage that drug use can do to your long-term health.”
The plans include a 'universal service code' for organisations which provide a service to the public.
This will commit them to, among other things, making one of the first options in a telephone response system to speak to a human being.
It will also require firms to make their customer service phone number free to call from both mobiles and landlines, train staff to deal quickly and effectively with customer enquiries and make and keep appointments for visits, installations and phone calls within a one-hour timeframe.
Other proposals include the immediate clearing of bank payments and fees, a duty on energy companies to publish information on all available tariffs on their bills, measures to prevent supermarkets building up local monopolies and a beefed-up consumer watchdog to name and shame companies involved in bad practice.
Norman Baker said, "I am pleased to back these proposals, which stand to help many of my constituents.
"In the past, I have received many complaints from people who feel that their relationships with companies and public bodies are skewed against them.
"When they have a problem or an enquiry about a service they have paid for, people deserve to be treated fairly, and it is reasonable that they should be able to talk to a person and not a machine.
"Customers must have the power to make fair and informed choices without the fear of being taken for a ride and bewildered by mindless bureaucracy."
Commenting on E.On’s decision to delay plans for a new dirty coal power station at Kingsnorth in Kent, Simon Hughes said: “This is a deserved victory for environmental campaigners across the UK.
“We are facing the very real threat of catastrophic climate change that will impact all of our lives. If the Government takes this seriously it cannot build new dirty coal power stations.
“E.On’s decision exposes the Tories’ irresponsible scaremongering about the lights going out.
“There are solutions other than dirty coal and nuclear power which can maintain energy security, make bills fairer and protect the environment.
“Liberal Democrats will only support new coal if carbon capture and storage technology is ready from day one. Funding for CCS demonstration must be focussed on retrofitting existing power stations.”