Thursday, 20 August 2009


Next Tuesday is the monthly meeting of East Marsh Involve, and will be held as usual on the last Tuesday of the month at the Grimsby Neighbourhood Centre - the meeting will start at 6pm on 25 August.

On this occasion the first part of the meeting will be the Annual General Meeting and the Officers and Committee Members will be elected for the forthcoming year.

I am pleased say that at this meeting Ward Councillor’s will be able to report on some very good news on the following issues: empty properties within the East Marsh; the old Art College in Eleanor Street and some important news on planning issues.

The meeting as usual is open to all members of the East Marsh Community and the aim of this community meeting is to discuss community issues; with the purpose of overcoming ongoing problems, improve service and report regularly on all issues raised at previous meetings.

AGENDA FOR EAST MARSH INVOLVE – Tuesday 25 August, 6pm:
  • Annual General Meeting and Election of officers
  • Councillor’s Ward Funding
  • Other Funding Requests
  • East Marsh Priority Setting (Crime Issues)
  • Neighbourhood Development Worker’s Update
  • Councillor’s Report
  • Any Other Business

Please be aware that all local residents are eligible to attend this meeting, and have their say about local services - it’s your chance to be listened too

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